Riverina Skips supports the Griffith Indian Sikh Community

When we got a phone call from a friend in the local Indian community if Riverina Skips could supply a skip bin for their event at Griffith Memorial Park, we were only too happy to help.

On Saturday the 16th of November, the Griffith Sikh community held a parade for the 550th Birth Anniversary of the Guru Nanak Dev Ji, founder of Sikhism.

They held a festival at the local Memorial Gardens & entertained and fed the many followers & friends of the faith. Afterwards they held a fireworks display enjoyed by all.

Riverina Skips was proud to be apart of the event, and humbled to be able to help.

If you are holding an event in or around Griffith, call Stephen on 0411 965 611 . He’s only too happy to help, and likes to support local charities with their needs.

Three men posing for a photograph against the backdrop of Riverina Skip Bin at a local Indian Sikh Community event
Stephen Violi