Griffith families in need get boost from community during Christmas 2019


On 9 December 2019, Riverina Skips put out a call on Facebook looking for a family in the local community who was in need for Christmas. The goal was to help one family to put food on the table during the festive season.

The response from locals was overwhelming. Many businesses & individuals offered to jump on board to help a family in need. There were also many nominations for families doing it tough whom deserved a helping hand.

The help provided was mostly in the form of locals sponsoring grocery vouchers, but some generous local businesses also offered vouchers for their own goods & services to help these families feel special, including haircuts, sports shoes, and shopping centre vouchers.

The nominations & nominees were kept confidential (unless they wanted to reveal themselves). The nominees would not be told who nominated them. The gift giving was intended as a surprise and a reminder that somebody cares. Vouchers were handed out by myself (Stephen) and other business owners whom had sponsored vouchers, as well as local community workers.

In total 40 local families were assisted by the offers of support from Griffith businesses & individuals. Some did not wish to be named & preferred to remain anonymous. The sponsors I managed to convince to allow me to thank them publicly are listed below and only helped to encourage other businesses to jump on board.

Many thanks to the following businesses & individuals:

The Area News features Riverina Skips initiative to supply grocery vouchers to Griffith families in need for Christmas

The Area News features Riverina Skips initiative to supply grocery vouchers to Griffith families in need for Christmas, published on December 13 2019.

Stephen Violi