Joseph Gioia, Il Corso Cafe - Get to know a Griffith Local

Joseph Gioia

Name: Joseph Gioia

Occupation: Restaurateur

What do you actually do? Day to day operations at Il Corso cafe Griffith

How long have you been in the business? 17 years on and off.

How did you get started? Hospitality has been in my blood my whole life. I started working for my father as a dishwasher, then worked my way up to becoming the part owner for just over 2 years now.

If you could go back, what advice would you give to yourself at 18 years old? Hard to say, maybe study harder and get a 9-5 job instead lol... no maybe save more money, as it’s hard to earn. 

What advice would you give to someone just starting out? I would say know your numbers. We work with small margins so you need to know what the ingredients cost and how long that menu item takes to make. Build a passionate team around you and work extremely hard. The hours are long but the people & community you meet along the way make it all worth it.

How would your friends describe you? I’d hope only good things! If I had to guess, I’d say loyal and hard working. Also “whipped” because if I’m not at work I’m with my beautiful fiancé Isabella!

Tell me about where you grew up and what your family life was like? I was born in Brisbane and then my parents moved back to Griffith when I was 7. My parents are extremely hard working. My father is 60 and still works 65 hours a week. We grew up in a loving home. My parents and sister are amazing and I’m blessed to have them as my family.

Who have been your strongest influences in life? My father hands down! He is a great man. You can ask anyone that knows him, I think they will say the same thing!

Is there a charity or cause you prefer to support if/when possible? Yes, a company called “thank you” otherwise anything local.

What has been the hardest thing for you to learn? A second language.

What's your favorite food? I grew up on pizza and pasta so I would say the peri peri pizza or our gnocchi genovese from my shop.

Favorite place to holiday? I’ve been lucky enough to travel a bit so there are beautiful places all over the world but I love the Gold Coast! I get to go there often so it’s like my little retreat destination.

If you won $10M in the lottery, what would you do? I’d make sure my family never feel financial burden ever again.

Do you have a website? Yes, we have online ordering for delivery and take-away at